Sunday, May 8, 2011

Why should you become a Freelancer?

Photo credit: Boetter
There is a stigma around the word "Freelance". When people hear that word, an emotion is going to ignite in their core-being. If you are a freelancer, you know what I'm talking about. You can almost feel what they are going to say--how they are going to respond. Their eyes light up with excitement or their mouths shrug to disdain.

How can such a simple answer to the question, "What do you do for a living?" inspire so many different emotions? Why do people react so differently? Surely, if someone asked you what you did for a living and you told them you were a doctor, there would be no disdain, there would be no shrugging and there would be no looking for the nearest exit.

With so many mixed emotions associated with freelancing, people ask, why should I become one? I have a few good reasons why.

It's your passion!

If you are going to start a career as a freelancer, it is because you are passionate about something, and you want to share that with the world. Freelance graphic artists, freelance writers, and freelance musicians--they all have something they are passionate about and want to share with the world.

You use your talent!

Many people are scared to use their talents as a means of income. Instead, they stick with their boring jobs that are going nowhere. If you have talents that can benefit other people then share it. It may be hard at first to become a freelancer. I'm not going to lie, finding work can be stressful, but it is so rewarding.

Because you cannot find work!

This may be a sad reason, but it is one nonetheless. With the economy in such bad shape, many people are getting laid off. Along with getting laid off, they cannot find other work. What we have today is a lot of men who are going into business for themselves and doing anything they can to make ends meet. We are entering an age that is returning to self employment. Freelancing is just another way to say that you are going into business for yourself. Your company name is YOUR name. YOU are your product and service. Many freelance jobs require that you fill out a W-9 tax form, so obviously, you are not unemployed if you are working for yourself and actually making money.

Because it is rewarding!

Paying your bills with the money you made all by yourself is rewarding. You don't rely on your boss for hours, raises and promotion. You are your own boss, and you call the shots. There is almost no other feeling that is so rewarding. There may be times that you get stressed out. Every freelancer can relate to the stress that comes along with the job, but what jobs have you had that wasn't 100 percent stress free?

Why should you become a freelancer? That is your question to answer. Not everyone is in the same situation. You may not have the time or resources to start working for yourself, and that is understandable. Some people do not like the idea of being self motivated and self started. Some people need the feeling of having a boss. There are all sorts of reasons why some people should NOT be a freelancer. However, if you are dying to start working for yourself and do something you love, then it is time to start doing some thinking. Assess your life and your needs. Be realistic with what you need on a monthly basis.

Freelancing is not for everyone, but many people who have started freelancing their talents will never go back to their old jobs.

Write down the thoughts of the moment.  Those that come unsought for are commonly the most valuable.  ~Francis Bacon

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